2022 USA Triathlon Age Group Nationals

Heat waves on land, cold waves in the water, changes to the race plan, and intense competition including some of the fastest triathletes in the United States – this year’s USA Triathlon Age Group Nationals had it all! The Olympic course was largely the same as last year, but the Sprint course changed dramatically. The…

Training Tech

Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

A big part of training for any sport in this day and age is technology – there seems to be a device to measure just about every aspect of our physical performance! Companies like Garmin, Wahoo, Polar, Suunto, Zwift, and Stryd (just to name a few) continue to push the boundaries of training tech, while…

What If I Get Sick?

Photo by mali maeder from Pexels

We can’t decide whether or not we catch something while training, but we can control how we react to it. So, what if you get sick?